What happened to Twitter login?
Very few people were actually using Twitter login with Planapple, but if you were one of them, we apologize for the inconvenience. You can still access your Planapple account:
- If you had previously set a password in Planapple, you can login to Planapple with your email address and that password.
- If you didn't set a password (or you don't remember it), enter your email in Planapple's password reset form, and we'll send you a link you can use to update your Planapple password. (If you get a message that it can't find an account for your email, you'll need to contact us to get access to your account.)
- You can also login to Planapple using your Facebook or Gmail account. (Note: this only works properly if you use the same email address for those services that you use with Twitter. And it won't work if our password reset form couldn't find an account for your email address.)