add opening hours to the "details" section
1, add opening hours (for each weekeday) to the "details" section
2, add a Grant chart to show the opening hours (on a particular day) of all attractions/items I added to the notebook/category
3, potentially warn user if an item is added to itinerary which is scheduled beyond the items' opening hours

Sandre Cunha commented
I wouldn't mind adding the hours myself, and might not do it for every attraction, but it would be most helpful for those attractions that have limited hours, or are seasonal, like a festival. if there are some particular things you don't want to miss, you have to schedule around them, wouldso having the days/times would be a great help. I wouldn't trust any imported dates/times, as I have found a lot of discrepancies on websites other than the venue website itself (which can also be outdated, but you can always call or email for verification.)
jnbaker37 commented
I put the hours of operation in the notes for different attractions and dining. A way to pull these, with disclaimer, would be helpful with making plans. Edit function for when you notice a change in hours. A way to add hours when they can not be pulled.
I can see how this information would be really helpful for planning what to do when.
One problem would be getting accurate opening hours for each place. Some sites (like Yelp) list them in ways we could pull them in automatically, but most sites don't. And one of our data partners has hours for many U.S. restaurants, but that's a pretty limited subset of places in most trips.
I suppose we could let you enter the hours directly for each place, but it seems like that might be a lot of hassle. Do you think that's something you'd want to do?
A bigger problem would be holiday closures. Most small businesses don't update their Yelp or TripAdvisor listings (or often even their own websites) with closures for holidays, so there's a big risk Planapple would show something was going to be open when it actually wouldn't be.
Would you still be interested in this feature if you often had to add the hours yourself, and if it came with a big disclaimer to "please verify actual opening hours directly with the business"?