Let us upload files/attachments
Allow files to be saved with the trip. E.g., a flight confirmation as PDF, Excel spreadsheet or Word documents, screenshots, etc.

Lisa W commented
It would be great if you could upload excel or word docs into the notebook so everyone on the itinerary has all the same info.
Jacqueline Tagliaferro commented
The facility to insert an attachment, like image, pdf, etc.
Rid Hollands commented
Ability to import PDFs
Vanessa Pereira commented
I would like to see, a possibility to attach a image, like a map or photo of an attraction on the notes. Keep up the good work!
Trish Moynihan commented
The ability to upload pictures would make Planapple even more awesome than it already is!!
Dave Barnes commented
Muy Importante
Upload PDFs -
lisaremy commented
Add a way to upload a word document.
This is good idea and a common suggestion. Unfortunately we don't have support for uploaded files at the moment. For files like PDFs, word docs and spreadsheets, usually what we recommend is for users to upload the files to google docs, and then add the links for those docs into their Planapple trip.
While technically you could do this w/ photos (via Google Drive) I'm not sure how useful that would be for your trip planning process.
Thanks for the suggestion and good luck w/ your trip!
Pete (developer)
This is a great suggestion and a common request. What we usually recommend for now is uploading your file to google docs and including a link from there into your planapple trip. Works well for keeping a budget in a spreadsheet or linking to a pdf file.
Pete (developer)