be able to visit an attraction multiple times
I want to visit a particular attraction muliple times, not beginning one day and ending on another.

This is already available, per the comment below. (There’s another suggestion in this forum about making it easier to schedule times, and you may want to vote for that as well.)
We added a support article that shows how to do this -- it's probably easier to look at pictures than read my complicated description above:
Michelle Crook commented
I agree this isn't the easiest to find. Please do simplify the feature if/when possible.
This is actually possible now, but it's not the easiest to find. (We'll treat this as a request to simplify this feature.)
Once you've scheduled the first event for the attraction, click the item's scheduled time to open the "Edit Item in Itinerary" dialog. At the very top of the dialog (in the title), click the date. This will open a menu where you can choose "New" to add another event to the attraction. You can use this menu to switch between events or add as many events as you'd like.