Sub trips
I know this could be done with multiple plans and this maybe this is a little pedantic, but actually if I am travelling to the USA then I want to be able to break the main trip up by states into smaller trips. I can then keep say a running total of costs and maybe some places to visit lap on the boarder for instance.

Planapple’s multiple notebooks in each trip are intended exactly for this purpose. (Please feel free to add more info here if there’s something we’re missing.)
One way many Planapplers handle this is by using a separate "notebook" or section for each sub-trip. You can have as many notebooks as you'd like within your trip, and each one has separate categories for Lodging, Dining, etc. (However, there's just one itinerary for the entire trip, because you can't be in two places at once... can you?)
Use "Add Destination" on the left side to create a new notebook within your trip. You can also edit, rename, rearrange, and otherwise manage your notebooks from "Edit Trip" (at the top).