Export locations as gpx (or kml) with categories
I'd like to have planapple's locations on my mobile. But i'd like to use an OpenStreetMap tool like OsmAnd, because it works much better for me regarding offline navigation and self-defined favorites. So a more general export of all locations as gpx or kml would be really nice (i'd prefer gpx! :) ).
My current workaround is to select "Everything" in planapple, copy the string you provide via "Get directions on Google Maps" and convert it with a python script to gpx, then i can import these as favorites in OsmAnd. Sadly, the categories get lost as they are not in the directions link, which makes this an unsorted mess..

Eric Henry commented
This feature seems like a clear win. It is just very nice to be able to full-screen the map and work with all the color-coded pins as I plan what we might want to do on a particular day of a trip. Like, as an example, if I was going to Boston and considering preschools, I could pull all the preschools together and notice that many Montessori schools cluster between Northborough and Framingham and so this is a good place to look for an airbnb. It is very hard to see this in the tiny window directly in Planapple.
https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1pOjewE-Rxqr7dT8GuVMm6Wb83bY&usp=sharing -
Sonia commented
Agreed! I would love to be able to import my google custom maps into the planner
bob_buxton commented
Also allow import of KML file from Google maps, Google earth
Thanks for the suggestion. Although KML might be a little bit advanced for most of our customers, we'd definitely like to offer some tighter integration with Google Maps.
What would you like to do once you have the places in Google Maps? We might be able to provide a more-direct integration that would avoid having to export and import KML.
For example, a first step in this direction is the "Get directions on Google Maps" link beneath the map in Planapple's notebook and itinerary tabs. It transfers all the places (notebook items) currently showing in the map into Google Maps in their route finder. If you're looking at a particular day in the itinerary, this will give you a route for all the items scheduled on that day.